There have been a lot of cries from many within various communities about funding and applications within their times of need. There has been many citizens who have been through a lot and continue to go through various seasons of turbulence especially in hurricane season. The adversities that meet many predominantly shows up within southern states; when it comes to this season, things become harder and strenuous for low income families, which in return stems from lack of financial security. When there are times of need the resources and means they need are not present for whatever the purpose is; that makes it hard for them to recover or overcome obstacles due to the areas they occupy and the resources they may have for themselves. In place of the lack they have government programs were designed to give aid and lend a hand to those in need.
Finding financial means become something that is harder for many within the southern states. It is difficult to regain your ability to find financial stability for minorities within that state. When it comes to the governmental figures it is hard to find a direct connection to whom and what you are able to blame for the lack of financial resources. When it comes to programs that are implemented for the people there are systems that are put into place with leaders to govern these funds that are suppose to be distributed to the people who need funding. Their are usually people who prevent many from attaining these funds due to various reasons such as reallocation of funds for their personal needs and their gains. This issue manifest in various programs that are designed to assist the people in times of need and disasters.
For those who are unclear abut any information given you can log onto the FEMA website below and read the information and follow the steps that are provided in order for you to receive the assistance that you are requiring.