Moving Closer To Election Day: What Can You Do?

As the election process moves forward there are things that needs to be done in order to see the results that you seek. Now that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump and the sole candidates for both the Democrat and the Republican party your choice moving forward is based on each person's and the direction they use for representation. Trump proposes going back to a era where Ronald Reagan ran on specific premises during his candidate run and his presidency; seeing what Donald Trump stands for and his true ideology of going backwards. Ignoring the reality of what is in front of you can be dangerous for people; going backwards in any space has never proven itself helpful. The new comer Kamala wants to take the country forward and bring the country out of the dark ages and into a place where you are not going backwards; rather you are moving forward with the rest of the world. In order to know where you are going the past is prevalent because it created a space previously, which triggered a space for different, a space for change, a space for growth.  

Each person proposal is different and the space they are given in order to express their intentions shows you where their focus is and where they are taking the country. The slogan that someone uses assist with speaking to citizens in turn it drives them to make a decision about the future. Donald Trump's Slogan is make America Great Again! Many are wondering when was America great, from the words he speak it drives many in a state of separation and a level of divisiveness within the country. Kamala Harris Slogan is We Are Not Going Back. Speaking to moving forward speaking to  growth speaking to the change that this country is desperately crying out for. These slogans from each individual it speaks to a vision a place or state they want to reach. The slogan also speaks for the person that gets elected, how they will affect the direction of this country. Evaluating each person that is presented that is how you come to a resolution in making your choice. Addressing their plan of action for the country and citizens is based on their plan for the economy and what the economy offers after the plan is implemented. 


As a citizen you cannot escape the government that is in place, it does not matter the country that you reside within. When people speak to you about the ideology of creating your own governmental structure with no plan and no vision on where they are going or how they are going to get there you have to question their purpose for pushing this information and the level of truth that comes with this information. Take in mind that it is through balance that these countries are being ran and without the checks and the balance it will be chaos. 

As a citizen in a country your need for protection and health care is important, your need for food and shelter is important. The desire to live within a safe community it is important. Being in control of your reality requires you to do the work necessary to create a space for your children to feel safe. In order to do this the structures that are in place has to do their job. Each person and house has a role to play in order to create the checks and balance needed in order to keep this country going in the direction that benefits the country and the citizens. 


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