Does Affirmative Action Affect Everyone? Laws Of Change!
Affirmative Action - was created to bring diversity and opportunity for inclusion not just in the work place but also in schools for women and other "races". Affirmative action is defined as a set of procedures designed to; eliminate unlawful discrimination among applicants.
Post slavery there was a large amount of segregation that took place and a lot of men from various backgrounds were looking for employment and were unable to fairly attain job positions within certain establishment. In order to create a form of equality President John F Kennedy Executive order (E.O.)10925 was created for federal contractors to hire those of various ethnicity in the job fields that were available. That was the beginning of the establishment of equal employment opportunity. In 1964 the Equal Opportunity act was fully established, business with 15 or more employees were prohibited from hiring people of the same "race" they needed to hire outside of their "race" for the sake of diversity. In 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson issued (E.O) 11246 requiring all government contractors and non governmental contractors to expand opportunities to minorities. In 1967 Johnson Amended this same legislation for women to be included in the affirmative action for diversity of workers.
This was the beginning of affirmative action laws that were passed to create inclusion for those who were not included within the work place; not just for men but also for women to work within the field of contracts and business. 1978 California V. Bakke 438 us 912 was what gave 18 minorities a seat within a class of 100 in medical school. In 1997 proposition 209 banned equal opportunity for schools and the work force. The fight on equality and opportunity was not solely to give "black" people the right to equality this right was extended to every other "race" women and men. In extension of the (E.O) they then gave rights to disabilities which was done by president George W Bush. They gave the right to also have equality within the field of business for minorities and those who were not as fortunate as their white counter parts.
Below is a link of the time line fight on Affirmative action:
In the same breath the fight to ban these executive orders has been playing its role within the world. Some places have been more successful than others. Now in 2023 they have seemed to be able to break that barrier for the first time in decades on the fight for equality within various fields. Some may want to make this seem simple, in recent fight against affirmative action in various states such as Texas and Florida fundins for diversity in universities has been redacted for students. This is away of having less students of minority groups within certain schools. Candace Owens is on twitter making it seem as if you just have to have good grades and work hard and you will be accepted by some schools, which in reality they were forced to accept these students in the first place through funding that was set aside for them; some of these fundings can and will include scholarships given by the school to students. Having good grades and not having the finances to pay for a school does not equal to acceptance without scholarships and student loans.
Click the link to read the tweet:
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In the space of Affirmative action it also gave legality for loans to be given to minorities, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ and women.
In the reality of things the argument and fight on education is another topic for another time. However in the turn of life and its events within The United States of America the fight for equality amongst those who are deem less than others has been an on going battle; the fight to get rid of Affirmative action may not help the fight of equality. In recent times many has watched laws change to reflect the mind frame of those who you have inclined as the representative for these judicial branches. They have implemented the rules and regulations that they deem suitable for them, and the economy that they have in mind for the people who reside within this country.
In a time like this you have to ask yourself are they fighting for your rights, or their beliefs on the life that the American people should live. Is this a democracy ,or is it a dictatorship?