Children and Prostitution is a serious issue within this country not just this country but many other country; there are children being married at the age of twelve within other countries because there parents consent to this. Some countries call it arrange marriages to sell their child to someone for profit i.e land or resources; that is a form of prostitution. To sell your body for any goods or service that is prostitution when you decide to introduce your child or children to a certain lifestyle from a young age you are enabling this behavior. There are many issues that needs to be addressed and child prostitution is a big issue within many community. There are children that have been reported missing, and others that are going missing everyday within communities and sometimes they are not found.
The parents of these children search for them and some children never return home. There are children that run away from home who gets caught within these prostitution rings as well, that is not being negated, however there is still a responsibility to those who assume the care of children to sit down and have these conversations about child welfare. Do not wait for your child to be taught this by someone else or believe that your child can not be kidnapped or caught within these prostitution rings.
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Prostitution: The practice or occupation of indulging in sexual activity with someone for payment.
What are parents doing in order to inform their child/children about what is taking place within the world, or are you trying to keep your children safe by lying to them believing that you are protecting their welfare?
Are you having honest and direct conversations with your children or do you wait until things happen within there lives to address this topic? Children are getting curious about things within life at a young age, so it is the responsibility of the care taker to sit down with said child and have that uncomfortable conversation. Do not let your child/children become old enough to go out and explore on their own. Who is protecting your child or children when you are not around?
The fact of it is that not enough parents are having the right conversation with their child or children about these things. You may feel that dropping your child off and picking them up from school, events, or playdates is enough and it is not. Have you gotten to know the parents of the children that your child hangs out with or play with on a daily basis? Have you taken the time to become acquainted with your children daily routine and who they speak with on the telephone? Do you know where they are going or do they lie to you and tell you they are going to be in one location and they end up in a totally different location?
The internet is a dangerous place and it is the biggest play ground for those who are predators. Monitoring your child online is not enough, blocking them from certain websites is not enough and trying to keep them locked in the compounds of your home is not enough. Speak with your child about these situations in real time. Help them to understand that even though there are nice, or friendly people in the world they; still need to be mindful of the activities that they partake in, and they people they choose to partake in these activities with.
The picture below is in Indonesia
With the latest that has taken place with Balenciaga and there recent campaign with children playing with sex toys, and the bears being dressed a certain way; do you really believe that these conversations need to be on a back burner or a waiting list? These are the conversations that parents avoid because they believe their child or children are too young to have, or they may be scared to have with the child/children because they do not know how to address said conversation. The rest of the world deems it okay to expose your children to this world.
Below is a link of a Judge that was sentenced to 60 years in jail and he was subjected to pay restitution of $14 Million to his victims. Unfortunately for these women and children they were forced to work at strip clubs and told that they would receive there money back and they did not. So they worked and never received any pay.