What do you love about music and why do you love these things about music? The music you listen to if you are not aware of who you are, you do not notice how the music you listen to affects the lifestyle that you decide to live within this world. The law of attraction states that what you have within the atmosphere of your thoughts and life these are the things that comes to you within your life. Sometimes people state things such as I was not thinking about anything like that, if it is something negative. Your subconscious mind is the store house for your thoughts; when it does not show up in your conscious thoughts it is residing in the subconscious. When you have become a product of your environment you are unable to see anything beyond where you are at the current moment. When you are within the mind of being consciousness you do not get to blame you are responsible to understand the construct of how things come about within life and the role you are playing.

Things take time so please do not expect things to happen over night when you are working, on yourself and growth. Attaining knowledge does not mean that you immediately understand the message that is being given. When you are programmed to act you do not question why things are taking place, you just know that you have to create a space in your life in accordance of adjustment for the burden or issues you believe you did not have a choice within. The issue with many people is that their perspective and views on life aligns with how they were taught, or how they grew up. It does not  reflect where they are going and what they are working on attaining. When you grow up within a household that participate in a cult you are programmed to keep that lifestyle going. Many will continue it without a thought about what they truly want within their life. The music they listen to is apart of the cult that they worship and their views on people and life come from the person who raised them.

Many do not venture outside of what they were taught to create what they want. The music that many listen to within their households these are the songs that guide them in their life and similar artist within that genre will be what they continue to listen to. Take a look at your household and friends you grew up with and look at how they live their lives and how much of that affects you today within your life? Your thought process usually blends in with the environment you reside within. It is hard for many to separate themselves and their lives from the music they listen to, because they are listening to the music because it is relatable to what is taking place within their lives. If you grew up with the urban community you know who artist  DMX You are familiar with the song within that link. You had someone to connect with that was hurting the same way that you are hurting and he sees your pain and your struggle so you Trauma bond to that kind of music. This is the same way many are able to relate to other artist such as Taylor Swift and the music she produces. It is a reflection of their life, lifestyle, upbringing, or current culture that you reside within.

The music that you choose to listen to can either lead you into depression or it can lead you out of it. The words and lyrics that some of the songs carry they can be dangerous for those who are in need of mental health care. It can trigger someone that is already close to the edge of taking their life. It can also walk someone off of the ledge of taking there own life. The scenario of life may seem hard to navigate and it is hard to stay away from things that bring you lower than you already are. However the people, places, and things that you continue to allow within your life will continue to dictate how your life will go. Decrement is required in your life when it comes to everything and everyone that you choose to interact with within your life. When you listen to an artist like Michael Jackson he gives you the tempo of an upbeat high energy person who was filled with life and positive energy. His music is created with the intention of making a positive difference and it resinates with you positively. The music you choose to play within your energy field is what manifest itself within your life. Each day you use law of attraction within various ways and you do not understand the concept of what you are doing or creating with your life's energy field.


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