Million March NYC


It is said that Al Sharpton was struggling to find people to go out to Washington DC on saturday to protest in On Pennsylvania Avenue. Un aware of approximately how man would show up he gave a rough draft number of several thousand. 

Yet that did not stop protesters within other states to march. Many went out in their city to show that they support the cause or un-just police brutality. Color or religion was not an issue on this day, people gathered together for a cause in many different states such as Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, and Oakland. Banners were carried that stated different phrases but the ones that were dominant was "Hands Up Don't Shoot" and "Black Lives Matter'' Protesters were all on the same page when it came to this issue. Not many feel that the cops are there to protect them anymore now they feel as if their lives are in danger when the police is around.

How many think that these protest are getting their points across?

The difference between this protest and the protest in Missouri is that protesters were peaceful and non violent. They protesters took to the streets stopping traffic in almost every borough. Manhattan traffic was backed up and the city became slow due to all the foot traffic that was out. Brooklyn traffic also endured a slow movement on eastern parkway due to protesters that did not exhibit violence.

The protest has been going on for seven days straight. This was after the Grand Jury decided not to indict the officer in the Eric Garner case. Protesters staged a die in, in Grand Central where they laid on the floor assuming the position of a choke hold while chanting Garner's last words "I can't breathe."A group of high school students staged a walkout, marching to the Brooklyn office of federal prosecutors and attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch to demand federal intervention. Then came the "Millions March" In New York City which went more viral than many thought it would.

Now that this is said and done where do the public go from here and what will be done?


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