When in a relationship there are a lot of rules to abide by. Much that need to be said and very little that is actually said. A man is supposed to provide and protect his woman and family. A woman is supposed to nurture and provide a safe abode for a man to come home to. Not many really live up to these standards. These days there are a lot of trust issues in many relationships and people reasonings are very flimsy. We are human beings put on this earth to progress but it actually feels like in many ways we are regressing, No one is perfect and if the person really loves and care for you they will go above and beyond to make you happy and to give you that security that you may need. Trust is not something that is given it is earned. If i say right now you have a 100% of my trust and i let you know that and every time i turn around you are doing something to diminish that trust how have you really earned that 100%? A lot of people do not understand that this day and age there is more hurt than actually love that is being spread. We as people let this stop or prevent us from being the people, or persons we are. We try to put up this exterior wall to protect us from what might hurt us; but truth is you will be hurt one way or another. In life you don't have to look for disappointment but disappointment will find you. Do not take it as something that should stop your progress or let you prolong from being the true you. Always try to remember that not everyone is going to hurt you and not everyone is going to disappoint you, in life you have to learn to live or you will find yourself wondering what have you been doing with yourself and time. I am not saying that it would be easy to trust again after being hurt but it is not as hard as we make it sometimes.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ~ Confucius